日期:2025-01-11 22:11
China has about one billion waste cell phones, with the recovery rate being only about 2 percent, reported jjckb.cn.据《经济参照网》报导,我国大约有10亿部荒废手机,回收率严重不足2%。A man surnamed Fang in Shanghai recently sold two old cell phones at the price of six yuan (about 1 US dollar) to a recycling store. The two phones had cost him nearly 2,000 yuan (about 291 dollars).近日,上海一位姓方的男士以6元的价格(折算大约1美元)将两台原有手机卖给了一家重复使用店。而这两台手机在他卖的时候花上了他将近2000元(折算大约291美元)。
It is as cheap as recyclable rubbish, but I have no choice as there is no use for me, said Fang.方先生说;“这就像重复使用的垃圾一样低廉,但是我没别的自由选择,因为我用将近了。”Many would rather keep their waste cellphones instead of recycling them, as the old gadgets are not worth very much.由于原有手机不过于钱,许多人宁愿拔着自己的荒废手机,也不愿将其重复使用处置。According to data from the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology, 560m cellphones were sold on the Chinese mainland in 2016.根据中国信息通信研究院发布的数据,2016年,中国大陆手机市场出货量5.6亿部。It is predicted that the number of new phones is equal to the number of waste ones, and 400m to 500m will be replaced per year.据推断,销售多少新机就不会产生多少旧机,每年被出局的手机数量将约4亿至5亿部。
The recovery rate in China is only 1% to 2%, much lower than Western countries, so we still need to educate people. People are also afraid of information disclosure if they sell their waste cellphones to recycle stores, said Zheng Fujiang, president of an online recycling company.某互联网重复使用企业总裁郑甫江回应:“我国手机回收率只有1%到2%,近高于西方国家,因此我们仍须要培育人们的重复使用意识。人们还担忧将荒废手机卖给重复使用店会造成信息泄漏。